YEAS Yoga 10 Hour Teacher Training Course Overview

(Yoga Education for Autism Spectrum)

1st hour
Understanding Autism. Specialists in the field & treatment approaches.

2nd hour
How to build trust & rapport. How to follow a child’s lead. How to increase frustration tolerance. Group Activity.

10 minute break

3rd hour
Benefits of yoga for children who have autism and how to create a safe yoga space.

4th hour
Tips to a successful yoga session.

5th hour
Ways to break down communication. Go over all visual support needed to teach a successful yoga class.

10 minute break

6th hour
How to teach breathing activities for self regulation. Group activity.

30 minutes
Imitation activities to increase learning.

6.5 to 7th hour
Review prompt hierarchy when teaching yoga. Steps per pose to make child independent when teaching.

8th hour
Go over “What is Sensory Integration”. This covers all the senses for the person from tactile, vestibular, and proprioceptive system.  Group activity.

Break- 10 minutes

9th hour
How to structure a yoga class. Things to look for when you are teaching yoga. Songs to bring into the yoga session to help support self-regulation and body awareness. Watch a 30 minute demo video along with a parent interview of the benefits of yoga for their child.

10th hour
Group activity where they will demonstrate knowledge of the material learned by doing a demo yoga class in front of the class. Feedback from teachers, questions and comments.